How It Works

  • Each local news website whose towns have EMNA advertisers will have a prominent link to an EMNA website page specific to their town (see the roster of participating websites). Properties and businesses in other EMNA towns will be listed as well, and the reader can sort and filter them by location, price, house size, etc.
  • Readers who arrive at EMNA from their town’s news site can search for businesses and homes in other nearby towns as well as their own, and they can also learn more about those towns by clicking on their news site links.
  • Advertisers pay for a one-month package featuring an ad and/or listing that goes to their home page. Real estate agents also get a selected number of property listings (see pricing on For Advertisers). Once we build an audience, we’ll switch to a CPM pricing model.
  • The lion’s share of the resulting revenue goes to the member news websites to support local online journalism.

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